Hi there!
I'm Zifan Pan,


with a passion for building intuitive and user-friendly apps.

My Portfolio

first project image

Dish Guru

React | MongoDB | NodeJS | Express | SCSS

A self-built full-stack (MERN) application with MongoDB, Express, React, and NodeJS. Users are able to explore various recipes created by other users and write their reviews for these recipes. An user can view, edit, and write their own recipes after register/login. All data including users, dish recipes, and the associated reviews are processed and passed using Redux and Express, and stored in MongoDB.

Rock Paper Scissors Game

HTML | JavaScript | CSS | API

A Rock-Paper-Scissor game that is won best out of three. The player will select a move, while the computer will randomly select their move using the GET api endpoint. (Desktop Only)

Room Page

HTML | JavaScript | CSS

A show page static website with three different pages which are able to be switched by clicking buttons is built with HTML, CSS and VanillaJS. This project created by myself was my first step of mastering JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

Road Safety Machine Learning Project

Python | R | Excel | Machine Learning

A machine learning project report, which used open-source data from the department of transport of UK to predict the fatal car accidents chances and find the most related reasons of accidents by using different regression methods such as logistic regression and random forest. In the end, 5 reasons are filtered out with 65% accuracy based on the data and plots.

data analytical project image two, a combined bar plot that shows the relationship between vehicle factory and fuel costs

Fuel Efficiency Modeling Project

Rstudio | Rmd | Excel | Statistical Modeling

A report-style project that used open-source data from the government of US. This project focused on building and refining a statistical model which can predict the vehicle fuel efficiency. It eventually found the manufactured year, the transmission type, along with 4 more variables are effective in determining the fuel efficiency.

My Skills

Web Development Skills:

  • React.js
  • Redux
  • Vue.js
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Express
  • NodeJS
  • MongoDB
  • LESS
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • Material UI
  • Bootstrap
  • CSharp
  • FireBase
  • jQuery
  • Cloudinary
  • Heroku
  • Visual Studio

Data Analytical Skills:

  • Python
  • R/Rstudio
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • MS Excel
  • Tableau
  • Markdown
  • Latex
  • Jupyter
  • Anaconda
  • Matlab

Other Skills:

  • Git/Version Control
  • Responsive Design
  • BitBucket
  • Command Line
  • NPM
  • Figma

About Me

Zifan's image

Hello! Thank you for visiting my website.

My name is Brian, and I'm a self-taught web developer based in Toronto who previously studied in Statistical Science at the UofT.

I'm a dedicated team player who love creating user-friendly accessible applications.

I care about environment and sustainability.

In my spare time, I enjoy cooking, gaming, hiking, driving, trimming my indoor garden, and playing with my cute chinchillas named Coffee and Cream.

Contact Me

Email me Zifan Pan Linked in Zifan Pan Git Hub